Who made this game?
Data Defense is a project primarily developed by Colin Towle. The music as well as some art were by Jeremy Dumouchel. The sound effects by John Axon.
Something has gone horribly wrong! What do I do?
In case of actual game bugs, please contact support for assistance.
Please note that as a solo developer, resolving issues may take some time.
Is there a way to keep up with you?
Yes! The best way is to follow Colin on Twitter to stay up to date!
I'm stuck and can't get past a level... help!
Try using new tower programs, create a longer path and don't skip ahead. Some towers are best when used in combinations like the Decompile and Loop towers.
Will Data Defense be available on other platforms?
I am working hard to bring Data Defense to iOS as soon as possible. PC, Mac and Linux versions should be available in the not so distant future as well.
I love the music! Where can I find the soundtrack?
The soundtrack will be made available with the PC, Mac and Linux versions of the game when they come out. In the meantime, follow me or Jeremy on Twitter to get up to date information as it comes out.
Are streams / let's plays allowed for this game
Absolutely! You are also free to monetize your videos. If live streaming, feel free to give me a head's up on Twitter and I might drop in :)